Video - Day 1
Video - Day 2
Student Photos
Coming soon.
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Want to send us a photo of your piece in progress or finished? Copyright ©2021 Anne Wolf. All rights reserved. Class videos, handouts, images and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Anne Wolf except for the use of brief quotations in a review. Contact Anne.
Recommended Sources
Nicholson file: Planishing/forging hammer:
Guide to Twist Patterning Development by Reactive Metals (pdf). Purchased from Rio Grande:
Hand Vise Books & Papers
Textbook of Mokume Gane by Masaki Takahashi (look for English version on Amazon) Chris Ploof and James Binion’s paper: Why you don’t want a copper and silver mokume gane ring. Facebook Groups (ask on Facebook to join) Mokume Gane group for all Mokume Gane Mokume Instagramers to follow (in no particular order): Masters Norio Tamagawa: Steve Midgett: *Francesca Urciuoli - @francescaurciuolijewellery *James Binnion - @james_binnion_metal_arts Chris Ploof - @chris_ploof_designs *Eric Burris - @mokumeganeworkshops *Ryuhei Sako - @ryhuheisako Artur Skrocki - @skrockyjewellery Susa Makoto - @susamakoto1975 Joe Davy - @joesmokume Anni Kagovere - @annikagoveremetalwork Laminated Metal Tech - @lmtpatternedmetals Osukchun - @ohsukchun Chiaki Aikawa - @chiaki_aikawa Christopher Sklba - @christophersklba Arn Krebs - @arnkrebs Tijmen Sarneel - @tijmensarneeledelsmid Ponk Smithi - @ponksmithi Birgit Doesborg - @doesdesign_nl * = shortlist! |