Chisel-patterned Online Mokume Workshop, January 28-29, 2023
Here are just a few of the unique and creative samples made by 14 students in my online chisel-patterning workshop, January of 2023. See if you can pair up the in-progress image with the finished sample, and try to figure out how it was done. Even after 15 years of mokume, I'm still thrilled and amazed by this process. See my workshops page if you'd like to learn to do this yourself!
Stamp-patterned Mokume Gane Pendant - Online workshop March 2022
This was a great class; lots of creative stamp patterning and quite a few finished pendants at the end of the two days!
From 2003-2020, I taught general jewelry-metals classes at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, at West City Center in Point Loma, and of course through my own studio, first called Ray Street Annex (2007-2013) but later Anneville Studio (2013-present). See examples creative and wonderful student work below. As of 2021, I am concentrating on teaching only the jewelry/metals technique I know and love best - mokume gane, but still it is great to see the creativity of the students I taught over the years. Enjoy!
Student Work Spring 2018, West City Center Point Loma
Student Work Fall 2017 at West City Center, Point Loma
Student Work, Fall 2015 at West City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Summer 2015 at West City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Spring and Summer 2017 at West City Center Point Loma
Student Work, Summer 2016 at West City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Spring 2016 at West City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Spring 2015 at West City, Point Loma.
Beginning students created the copper boxes. Advanced students worked in silver, creating boxes, vases and jewelry.
Student Work, Fall 2014. West Centre City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Spring 2014. Work from both Southwestern College and West Centre City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Summer 2013. Work from West Centre City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Summer 2014. West Centre City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Fall 2013. Work from both Southwestern College and West Centre City, Point Loma.
Student Work, Spring 2013. Work from both Southwestern College and West Centre City, Point Loma.