My student appreciation giveaway and sale is happening today, December 8, from 3-6pm! Thanks so much for your RSVP (remote or in person), and/or list of desired samples. Sorry I'm not able to respond to you individually right now, but rest assured if you sent a list I've got it, and put a little blue post-it note with your name on it right next to the sample(s) you wanted! This is going to be so much fun. And no one needs to feel like they were being greedy - I'm so happy to have these samples go to those who will find them useful and who were in the classes where they were made/used.
Many of the samples have multiple names - I'll do a drawing for these, maybe around 4pm. If you were in the class where the relevant sample was used/made, tell me and your name goes to the top of the list. :-)
Participating remotely? You are welcome to attend via Zoom - click the button below. Ame will be your host; she'll walk you around to shop and interact with folks. I'll be in touch afterwards with what you'll get and an invoice for shipping and/or purchased items.
Sure, you can bring snacks! I'll provide wine and cookies.
Dinner afterwards? Maybe! Sounds fun, but have to see how tired we are (by which I mean me) and if we can find somewhere outdoors but with heaters.
Masks are optional - Ame will be wearing hers and I'll probably be too - I'll have all the windows and doors open, but it may be tight quarters at times.
For things that cost $$ - you can pay with cash or card (sorry I don't take Venmo or Paypal). If you pay cash, your sales tax is included! What a deal.
This page is for my former students to have a look at my sample giveaway and sale items for the December 8, 2023, 3-6pm event. As I mentioned in the newsletter invitation, I want these samples to go to those who might remember them and/or use them to learn from, or just to have as a memento of your time in my classes. Have a look, then email me which ones you are interested in by using the letter nearby, then describing (i.e. "Bin B, the one with pink stone,"). Some are ready to wear, some need finishing. Please don't be shy about requesting multiple pieces! I will keep track of who asks for what. If more than one of you want the same thing, I will draw names during the December 8 event, so it's all fair! If you aren't local, I'll need to bill you for shipping ($10.50). But a lot will fit in a small flat rate box.
Giveaway Tray 1 - note: things in bin 'E' are not made by me - mostly SNAG pins, really you need to come see them to choose.
Giveaway Tray 2
Giveaway #3 - Fold-formed bits and bobs, bowls. In the bags, left: sterling/shakudo bi-metal earrings in process, middle: lots of rollerprinted metal, right: forged wire ornaments.
Sale Tray 1 - Priced as marked, may be in need of a clasp or earnut, there is one ring where you need to set the stone. These prices are for my students only! Please don't share this page with non-students, thanks. Same process - let me know which ones you'd like to buy. If multiple people want the same thing, I'll draw names on December 8.
Sale Tray 2 - Sorry but I don't know the sizes of the rings. They'll probably fit one of your fingers! :-)
More detail about why I'm doing this: From 2003-2020, I taught general jewelry metals courses all over San Diego, with topics ranging from fold-forming to casting to stone-setting and everything in between. Keeping students interested and signing up for classes meant always coming up with new projects. After 17 years, wow do I have a lot of interesting samples sitting around in little plastic bins. With the advent of Covid and online teaching, I am now fortunate enough I can choose to teach only my specialty, mokume gane, to folks all over the world. Yay! So, to my point (and I do have one) - these pre-mokume teaching samples served me well over the years, and are a resource full of creativity and possibilities, but it is time they found new homes. So, I want to give them to you! Specifically, those of you who took my classes at any of my former schools - Southwestern College, Ray Street Annex, West City and even my current studio at Liberty Station. The majority of them I am giving away free (some fancier silver ones will have modest prices), with priority to those who were in the classes that used the samples. You are welcome to them as mementos, to learn from, finish, wear, or even give away. I only ask you don't sell them.