Thursday, November 12th 5-7pm Pacific Time : Meet & Greet starts at 4:45pm
Mark your calendar for our next Sawing Circle on November 12th from 5-7pm Pacific Time. This month's shared project is fold-formed copper leaves! If you're new to leaf making, watch our free video demo by Anne Wolf and then join us from your studio to work in the good conversation and company of like-minded friends. Totally free, no need to RSVP, simply join by clicking the link that will be posted here on our home page. Tell a friend or make one there, either way we hope you'll join us right here on November 12th.
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![]() A handful of hearty souls joined me in our Debate Support Room while a larger group joined Anne in our Debate Escape Room. That's right, we hosted a Zoom session where folks had the choice to watch the debate while working or escape politics for a few blessed hours - all with like-minded friends and it was super fun. I think the verdict is in ... we're all officially over it with this election - LOL! But working together via Zoom has proven to be great fun so mark your calendar for our next Sawing Circle on November 12th from 5-6pm Pacific Time. Totally free, no need to RSVP, simply join by clicking the link that will be posted on our home page. Bring a friend or make one here! ![]() Thursday, October 22nd 6-8pm PST - Online via Zoom Were you planning to join our Sawing Circle but don't want to miss the debate? Watch it with us in our Debate Support Room! Are you unable to stomach seeing those people any longer? Join our Debate Escape Room. That's right, tomorrow we're hosting a Zoom session where you can watch the debate while you work OR escape politics for a few blessed hours - all with like-minded friends. Ame will be handling the tech and anyone can join in. Work on your medals or whatever you like, the goal is to enjoy the good company that comes with working together. No need to RSVP, simply join by clicking the button below. Meeting ID: 267 269 4245 | Passcode: #MetalArts. No need to RSVP, simply join in via Zoom on Thursday the 22nd between 6-8pm PST. ![]()
Whilst lurking about the Thames one dark and misty night, metalsmith & world traveler Claire Ramsey happened upon a mysterious vintage baby rattle (oooh CrEePY!!) which led her to ... the London Silver Vaults - the largest collection of antique silver in the world. Dated from 1882 the vaults were originally used to house the silver of London's wealthy elites. Join us, IF YOU DARE! Next we'll calm our frayed nerves with a demo by Anne on fold-forming fall leaves (ahhhh). But then it's BACK TO TERROR with SafETy LaST in which we'll take a playful look at home studio safety. Think it's too much trouble to put on your safety glasses? Think AGAIN! (It won't be gruesome, promise). As always, we finish up with an open discussion Q&A period so get your metal arts questions ready. Read on for photos and resource links.
![]() About 30 students and friends attended our 2nd Annual Shop & Swap at Liberty Station on Saturday, October 10th. Anne set up tables in a shady spot off the main colonnade and we all had fun dropping off goodies, perusing what others had brought and visiting in between. Wearing masks and social distancing was easy and didn't detract at all from the delight of sharing stories and catching up. Aside from that, we managed to re-home all of the lab leftovers we brought, thereby freeing up room in Anne's home studio for new projects. Likewise, everyone who came seemed to find something useful or fun to take home. We were particularly delighted to re-stock a student who lost her home studio building in the Valley Fire. Read on for photos! ![]() We had so much fun at our Sawing Circle tonight! Everyone arrived right on time and got to work with lots of sawing and filing and discussions of where to stamp the ID numbers (front? back? Around the ribbon?) and how to address the fingernails (to stamp or not to stamp) and even finer points of textures and ribbon wrangling. Like any good gathering of metalsmiths we also got into several tool and patina discussions ... which naturally led to excellent bakeries in San Diego and Santa Cruz. LOL! Great fun. Thanks to those of you who tuned it and if you missed it, we hope to see you at the next one. Happy Sawing! |
Anne WolfEducator, metalsmith, jeweler, maker of custom mokume gane jewelry and wedding rings.
December 2024